
COVID-19 vaccine mandates are medically futile, likely illegal (Part 3)

By Dr. Alan Moy — Mandating an experimental COVID-19 vaccine represents a medically futile, and likely illegal, public-health effort to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2. It is immoral, and likely illegal, for schools, workplaces, and hospitals to require young and healthy individuals to take an experimental drug that offers no personal benefit, but instead, poses serious health risks. Here’s what you can do to push back against this tide.


Editor’s note: This article is the third and final in a three-part series. Dr. Moy writes from a Catholic perspective, but his insights transcend across Protestant and evangelical churches as well.

CLICK HERE to read Part 1, in which Dr. Moy provides a helpful primer on immunology and vaccine science and explains why the current COVID-19 vaccines are less effective than natural immunity and in the presence of variants. CLICK HERE to read Part 2, in which Dr. Moy discusses the real risks and benefits of the vaccines. We recommend you read parts 1 and 2 before reading the article below.

Part 3: Strategies for combating COVID-19 vaccine mandates

It is apparent that colleges and hospitals are not only poorly informed about the scientific facts pertaining to COVID-19 vaccines, but also about the legal liabilities they may incur by imposing vaccine mandates. These institutions are not aware that the FDA Cosmetic Act requires informed consent for the reception of any experimental medicine or that it gives people the right to refuse treatment and be made aware of alternative medicines.

Colleges and healthcare institutions are also ignoring the health privacy laws governing the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA). These institutions seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that the National Research Act of 1974 protects people from harm and coercion and necessitates complete informed consent for experimental treatments.

Lastly, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has stated that institutions that require vaccines are subject to mandatory reporting and liability for adverse events. Private businesses and schools should realize that these federal laws and regulations threaten economic and legal penalties if undue pressure is put on students and employees to accept what are otherwise classified as experimental vaccines.

Vatican and USCCB have abandoned the original Catholic position on morally compromised vaccines

The 2005 Pontifical Council of Life statement represents the historical Vatican position on vaccines that have been tainted with aborted fetal cell lines. Pursuant to Church teaching, there are four requirements that must be satisfied in order to licitly receive these dubious inoculations.

First, the conditions prompting the reception of the vaccine must be grave.

COVID-19 is not a grave threat to most individuals, excepting those that belong to certain high-risk groups like the elderly, diabetics, smokers, and those who are obese or have chronic diseases. One might argue that there may be justification for high-risk individuals taking an experimental vaccine, even if the vaccine is tainted with a product of abortion. However, there is no justification for vaccinating healthy individuals who are free of risk factors and who have a greater than 99% COVID-19 survival rate.

Second, there must be an absence of an ethical alternative treatment.

It has been documented that early ambulatory administration of a multi-drug regimen of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, in combination with zinc and azithromycin or doxycycline, reduces the risk of hospitalization, mortality, and viral transmission in high-risk patients. However, the Vatican and USCCB have never advocated for hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Additionally, most physicians have not conducted sufficient investigation into these medications, and only a minority of doctors currently prescribe them.

Third, individuals can exercise their moral conscience and refuse vaccination.

Unfortunately, this position is not acknowledged at many nominally Catholic institutions. Sadly, there are many stories about Catholic institutions not supporting Catholics who seek a religious exemption from taking morally tainted COVID-19 vaccines.

Fourth, Catholics are required to urge the pharmaceutical industry to develop ethical alternative vaccines and subsequently promote their dissemination.

Sadly, there is little evidence that the Church has shown the same zeal for promoting ethical vaccines as it has for reducing “vaccine hesitancy” among Catholics.

Strategies for students, parents, and employees subjected to vaccine mandates

There is an unprecedented lack of popular confidence in our public health institutions—even among physicians. Students attending college (and their parents), along with employees of hospitals and other workplaces are subjected to unprecedented threats to their constitutional, civil, and religious rights, as well as to their health. Many colleges are mandating that students accept an experimental COVID-19 gene therapy before the fall semester begins. Hospitals are requiring employees to accept the experimental gene therapy or risk unemployment.

These institutions have adopted draconian measures without thoughtful analysis of the science, and they are placing their students at risk of great harm from an experimental vaccine that is medically futile for controlling the virus. Even more disgraceful is that Catholic institutions in particular will not grant religious exemptions from mandatory reception of the morally tainted vaccine. Moreover, such Catholic institutions will not provide students or employees access to hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin in the event that they become seriously ill from COVID-19.

It is regrettable that Catholics cannot expect leaders in the Vatican and the USCCB to support their rights to exercise their consciences and reject morally tainted vaccines. Catholics around the world are reaching out to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute to not only request the development of a morally acceptable vaccine, but also to ask what strategies they should pursue to address vaccine mandates at colleges and hospitals. This is an issue that I predicted and wrote about several years ago when highlighting how morally tainted cells would alter the viability of the Catholic health care system.

Unfortunately, this pandemic has shown that the problem is even worse than I predicted. I never imagined that Catholic hospitals would coerce Catholics to take a morally tainted medicine.

The following recommendations will (regrettably) require individuals to take confrontational positions, because the situation has escalated to crisis levels that threaten religious and civil liberties, and even health. I recommend the following strategies for college students and their parents and for employees who refuse these experimental vaccines:

  1. Contact your governor and ask them to sign an executive order to forbid vaccine mandates in their respective state.
  2. Contact your state attorney general and ask him or her to investigate whether there are laws that prohibit vaccine mandates.
  3. Contact your local representative and ask him to pass laws against vaccine mandates.
  4. Write a letter to your school president and board of trustees to rescind vaccine mandates.
  5. Alumni should write to the school president and threaten to withhold future philanthropic financial support if the school implements vaccine mandates.
  6. If you are Catholic, write to your local bishop and insist that he adopt the 2005 Pontifical Council of Life position on morally tainted vaccines; the letter should insist that the bishop write to the leadership of a Catholic school or hospital in his diocese, urging them to rescind vaccine mandates.
  7. Remind your bishop that he may be placing his diocese at legal and financial risk if vaccine mandates lead to death or disabilities in children.
  8. Have your school sign a document that holds the school liable if a student develops serious harm from the vaccine; a template copy of this document is available online from Solari Report.
  9. Have your employer sign a document that will hold the health institution liable if an employee is harmed by the vaccine; a template copy of this document is available online from Solari Report.
  10. If high-risk patients cannot receive hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin from their personal physician in the event they become seriously ill from COVID-19, then I recommend that individuals reach out to organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors and Truth for Health Foundation (which have experienced physicians treating COVID-19 that will provide telemedicine services).

In conclusion, mandating these experimental subunit vaccines represents a medically futile, and likely illegal, public-health effort to contain the spread of COVID-19. It is immoral and perhaps illegal for schools and hospitals to require young and healthy individuals to take an experimental drug that offers no personal benefit, but instead, poses serious health risks. Moreover, it is immoral for Catholic institutions to threaten education and employment unless students or employees accept a medication derived from abortion. Such a course of action is contrary to the Pontifical Council of Life statement of 2005 and the more recent statements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.


CLICK HERE to read Part 1 of this series, and CLICK HERE to read Part 2. 

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Dr. Alan Moy is the CEO of Cellular Engineering Technologies, a biotech company that manufactures ethical human stem cells; the founder of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, a non-profit dedicated to translating ethical stem cells to treat disease; and a member of the Personhood Alliance’s medical expert committee. Dr. Moy was tenured in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Iowa. His academic research focused on acute lung and cardiovascular injury.

This article was republished with the author’s permission and originally appeared here.

6 Comments on “COVID-19 vaccine mandates are medically futile, likely illegal (Part 3)

  1. This series of articles is a real blessing. I read yesterday about the archdiocese of New York forbidding its priests to “accompany” parishioners who have conscientious objections to these vaccines. I plan to put into practice the suggested list of actions. Thank you, Dr. Moy.

  2. Please send this to every Bishop and school administrator before more innocent lives are lost. Ignorance is not bliss and we must listen to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and not fallen man.

  3. Dr Moy….perhaps you could include graphene oxide in your objections, this with 5G with be the kill switch to murder Americans. The spike protein is a bioweapon which will weaken and kill as well. Maybe humans should not be injected with antifreeze either. I wish the Vatican was on your side but it’s an enemy as well. Eugenisits all. Fight all if it.

  4. God Bless Dr. Moy and his affiliates and their work. we know where the Victory lies ! I will pray, pray, pray.

  5. Unfortunately, the FDA may approve these “vaccines” soon (though they have not been properly tested and the long-term effects are still unknown) and then their emergency use objections will no longer apply.

    • Yes! We will be releasing an updated form with new language once FDA approval is granted for any of the vaccines.