Advocating human life from biological beginning to natural death, without exception.
The Family
The Family and Personhood
Just like an object of art—composed of color, line, texture, shape, and form—humans are designed with elements that are essential to our nature. And each of these elements is under God’s authority—life, marriage, sexuality, and gender. We find His perfect design in Genesis 1:27-28, also known as the Doctrine of Imago Dei (which is Latin for image of God).
What we are witnessing everywhere today is a direct attack on these design elements and their central structure: The family. Any attempt to separate, twist, or alter any of these design elements is an attempt to usurp God’s authority. This is nothing less than intentional corruption of the very nature of God’s wholistic design for the human person; the stripping away of meaning, function, and purpose.
God created marriage to be the context for our sexuality, for child-bearing and child-raising, and for intimate, passionate enjoyment within this sacred covenant. God created two genders, not a continuum. He created them with distinctions that reflect His image differently and fit them for marriage to each other. Confusion about this design comes from the culture, not from the Creator. And not because there is no absolute truth, but because sin has corrupted everything. The chaos and brokenness in our culture today is not because God’s design is flawed, but because we are actively rebelling against it.
Click a subject below to reveal a list of recommended resources for that subject. We will continue to update this resource area as research, ministries, outreaches, and apologetics in these areas grow.
The Family
The Family and Personhood
Just like an object of art—composed of color, line, texture, shape, and form—humans are designed with elements that are essential to our nature. And each of these elements is under God’s authority—life, marriage, sexuality, and gender. We find His perfect design in Genesis 1:27-28, also known as the Doctrine of Imago Dei (which is Latin for image of God).
What we are witnessing everywhere today is a direct attack on these design elements and their central structure: The family. Any attempt to separate, twist, or alter any of these design elements is an attempt to usurp God’s authority. This is nothing less than intentional corruption of the very nature of God’s wholistic design for the human person; the stripping away of meaning, function, and purpose.
God created marriage to be the context for our sexuality, for child-bearing and child-raising, and for intimate, passionate enjoyment within this sacred covenant. God created two genders, not a continuum. He created them with distinctions that reflect His image differently and fit them for marriage to each other. Confusion about this design comes from the culture, not from the Creator. And not because there is no absolute truth, but because sin has corrupted everything. The chaos and brokenness in our culture today is not because God’s design is flawed, but because we are actively rebelling against it.
Recommended Resources
What is marriage, according to the Bible?
Catechism of the Catholic Church: The sacrament of matrimony
Casti Connubii: Encyclical of Pope Pius XI on Christian marriage
What does the Bible say about marriage?
The Bible’s teaching on marriage and family
Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Sixth Commandment
Humanae Vitae: Encyclical of the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: The Nashville Statement
What the Bible teaches about sexuality: A threefold vision
100 Bible verses on sexuality
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: The Nashville Statement
Manhood and womanhood
Destructive forces
Click a subject below to reveal a list of recommended resources for that subject. We will continue to update this resource area as research, ministries, outreaches, and apologetics in these areas grow.
Religious Alliance Against Pornography
Pure Life Ministries
Covenant Eyes
Fight the New Drug
Legalizing prostitution and grooming our children for sex work
End Slavery Now: Hookers for Jesus outreach ministry
Beauty from Ashes
Jasmine Grace Outreach
The Wellhouse
Divorce was never God’s intention
The Bible, Christians and Divorce
Unwed motherhood and missings fathers
The proof is in: father absence harms children
The extent of fatherlessness
Breaking the cycle of absent fathers
Fatherlessness, poverty, and crime
The effects of single-mother and single-father families on youth crime: Examining five gender-related hypotheses
Sexual chaos
Unmasked: Exposing the cultural sexual assault book by Rev. Jim Anderson
The Bible’s teaching on homosexuality: Clear, final, and sufficient
Sexual brokenness: Why the Church falters in its defense of biblical sexuality & what to do about it
Living Hope Ministries: Support and resources for leaving homosexuality
The gender revolution
When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment book by Dr. Ryan Anderson
Focus on the Family: Transgender resources
Gender Dysphoria and Children: An Endocrinologist’s Evaluation of I am Jazz
Agape First Ministries
Rethinking Sexuality: God’s design and why it matters book by Dr. Juli Slattery
Walter Heyer Ministries
“Comprehensive” sex education
Stop CSE
Sex: God’s design vs. comprehensive sexuality education
Ten good reasons to oppose public school sex education
Drag queen story hours
How libraries are being used to corrupt children and what you can do about it
Behind the chiffon curtain: Drag queen story hours and child endangerment
What do drag queen story hours have to do with personhood?
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