

Who are our affiliates, and what do they do?

The Personhood Alliance’s affiliates are independent organizations that focus on different areas and are structured in different ways, but all adhere to a universal set of moral principles. Some affiliates are fully staffed right-to-life groups who have turned away from compromised state and national groups. Others focus solely on personhood legislation lobbying, or education and outreach, or developing coalitions of pastors to bring personhood into the Church, or all of the above! All affiliates work on some level to support and/or activate our Safe Cities and Counties initiative. We have both Catholic- and evangelical-led affiliates who unite on the biblical principles of personhood in carrying forward their missions.

At a national level, the Personhood Alliance serves as a unifying body that provides legal, educational, and strategic consultation and support to all of its affiliates, their constituents, and the Christian pro-life movement as a whole. The Alliance works to advance personhood in many different and creative ways and on multiple fronts, including abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, medical discrimination, unethical advances in science and technology, marriage and family issues, preventing the sexualization of children, and human trafficking.


Follow these steps to apply to join the Personhood Alliance

  1. Check our affiliate map to confirm your state doesn’t already have an affiliate. If it does, reach out to the contact person to see how you can get involved.
  2. Review the About Us page on this website to be sure you understand our mission and strategic approaches and agree with our statement of faith.
  3. Download, review, and sign our Charter for affiliate membership.
  4. Scan and submit a copy as instructed in the document.
  5. Review and sign our Code of Christian Conduct and Non-Disclosure Agreement, which we’ll provide via email once we receive your signed charter.
  6. Complete our online survey to help us get to know you better; we’ll send you a link.
  7. Participate in a phone interview with our leadership team.
  8. If you are approved after our full board review process, we’ll set you up with resources, contacts, and assistance in starting your organization or transitioning a current one.

All of our affiliates are represented on the Personhood Alliance national board of directors through an appointed delegate and alternate. The board meets once every quarter; the first-quarter meeting in person. Committee opportunities are provided throughout the year.

Personhood Alliance - apply to join
Personhood Alliance Affiliates
