

Personhood Texas!

The Personhood Alliance national board of directors has just welcomed Personhood Texas as an affiliate organization! More information will appear on this page in the near future.

This is a great time for us to be here. The personhood issue is an element of a cultural war between good and evil. We definitely know Who will win that war.

Personhood Alliance - personhood leadership and support

personhood pro-life

our team

Meet the dedicated leadership team at Personhood TX.

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personhood pro-life

current projects

Learn what Personhood TX is doing to restore equal protection.

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personhood pro-life


Contact Personhood TX to discuss volunteer opportunities. 

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personhood 101

start an affiliate

We invite you to watch this short video to gain a brief historical perspective about personhood.  Then, please explore our site, learn all that you can, and if you feel moved to take a stand, apply to start an affiliate in your state!

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