
Personhood Alliance welcomes 3 new affiliates amid rapid organizational growth

Contact: Gualberto Garcia Jones, Esq., President, Personhood Alliance, (202) 888-6333
The Personhood Alliance board of directors voted unanimously on March 7, 2019, to accept the applications of new affiliates in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Nebraska, raising the number of its affiliate organizations to 19, with three more state applicants currently under consideration. “The Personhood Alliance is growing because we are unapologetic about our worldview and our goals,” says Personhood Alliance president Gualberto Garcia Jones, Esq. “We intend to end legal abortion and lead a revival that will return America to Judeo-Christian principles; chief among them is the respect for the inherent dignity of all human beings.” Though the implementation of these principles will differ, all three new affiliates say they will focus on equipping the Church to take a biblical stand for life.
Richard Llewellyn, president of Personhood TN, says his organization will concentrate on “help[ing] the Church arise from sleep, to take away the excuse for not getting involved. We want to help fathers step up to lead their families to pray and act on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. We want our children to know the reality of abortion, and what they can do to foster the rebirth of a nation which celebrates, protects, and defends life,” notes Llewellyn. “Our mission is to educate and equip our generation…to help others see the value of every individual, from conception to natural death, and to do everything we can to speak up for the voiceless and vulnerable. We joined Personhood Alliance in order to partner with others who are tired of sitting on the sidelines and want to make an immediate impact by uniting with others to end the atrocity of abortion.”
In North Carolina, Pastor Keith Pavlansky explains that his group, NC Pastors Protecting Life, will focus on uniting church leadership across denominations to support personhood strategies. “We began with the goal of pressuring our lawmakers to forward a personhood bill that simply reflects our strongly held moral beliefs, which also match modern science on the subject.  Our short-term goal is to pass legislation that protects all unborn children. Our long-term goal is to eliminate the barbaric practice of abortion in our entire state.  All life is precious and full of God-given potential.”
“We are excited to be a part of the Personhood Alliance because we are committed to ending abortion by promoting and protecting life from conception with a consistent Christian approach,” says Pastor Derek Rempe of Personhood NE. “We seek to be the standard-bearer for protection of life without exception. We seek to change hearts and minds by preaching the gospel and prophetically speaking to citizens and civil authorities alike to obey God and establish justice. We plan to do this through a grassroots movement where local cities and counties establish Sanctuary Cities for the Pre-born; call on state authorities to likewise ignore the unjust, unconstitutional Roe decision; and pass and enforce legislation to restore and protect life in Nebraska for every person created by God.”
“Unlike too many politicians and political organizations,” adds Personhood Alliance president Gualberto Garcia Jones, Esq., “We realize that we are not just fighting against flesh and blood, but also against principalities and powers. That’s why we will not compromise with the wicked in high places. We will not do evil so that good may come.” The Personhood Alliance ( is a confederation of independent pro-life organizations who pursue personhood as the practical, essential strategy for restoring legal protections for every human being without exception, from conception to natural death, and who want to activate their churches and communities to uphold the sanctity of human life. To find a state affiliate or to apply to become one, go to