
Personhood Alliance welcomes its 28th affiliate, Personhood California

Contact: Les Riley, interim president, Personhood Alliance, 662-760-8695

The Personhood Alliance is excited to announce its 28th affiliate, Personhood California. As America’s fastest growing pro-life organization, the Personhood Alliance has brought on affiliates from two of the largest states in the nation, California and Texas, in the past month as people respond to its no exceptions stance on the sanctity of human life.
Doug McBurney, president of Personhood California said, “We believe that all Californians know in our hearts that everyone is created equal, and that we are endowed by our Creator with an inalienable right to life. We contend that this most fundamental of all rights must be defended by love and by law, by citizens and by their government, from conception to natural death.”
“Personhood California calls upon our fellow citizens to live out the creed of America’s Declaration of Independence so that we may honor our Creator and keep our families and our posterity free,” noted McBurney. “We invite every municipal officer in California to contact us today to review our Safe Cities Initiative and start the process of making their municipality one more in a long and growing list of those making every right in the Declaration apply to every person in their jurisdiction. We intend to codify these truths in every municipality in the state, from Crescent City to Felicity, and from Imperial Beach to Fairport, and all points in between.”
Les Riley, interim president of the Personhood Alliance, issued the following statement: “We are excited to have Personhood California become the newest affiliate to join the Personhood Alliance. Following Personhood Texas’ recent affiliation, in the last few weeks we have seen the two of the largest states— one Red and one Blue—link arms with organizations and ministries across the nation seeking to end abortion and see equal protection for all human beings reestablished. While the political battles have people’s attention and pro-lifers increasingly recognize the futility of the pragmatic strategy, the Personhood Alliance’s Christ-centered, no compromise, no exception, grassroots approach is being embraced by more and more people across the nation.”
Riley continued: “Our locally led strategic Safe Cities efforts to end abortion; taking a strong stand on vaccine ethics; speaking out against the eldercide and eldergenics that have been perpetrated against our senior citizens, sent to die alone from Covid in nursing homes by pro-death politicians, show that there is a better way. We look forward to welcoming more affiliates in 2021 and seeing God move through the simple efforts of people acting in faith, taking a stand when many are telling us things look hopeless. Instead, we echo the prayer of Psalm 119:126 in great hope: It is time for You to act, O Lord, for they have regarded Your law as void.’”
The Personhood Alliance is a confederation of independent pro-life organizations who pursue personhood as the essential strategy for restoring legal protections to every human being—from biological beginning to natural death, without exception—and who endeavor to uphold the Biblical worldview in 21st-century politics and culture by honoring God’s design for life, marriage, family, sexuality, and gender. Visit our affiliate map to find your state affiliate or to apply to become one.